Monday 25 July 2011

Assignment 4 (Literature Review Online Material)

Assalammualaikum W.B.T...

      Time management is a crucial thing for this hectic week especially because we are given a bundle of task. A successful student is a student who can manage their time well. For me, works are not a burden but more too challenges.

      Move on to our task for this week, it is based on our assignment (THINK, PAIR,SHARE) which related to Open Source Software (OSS) for my group. Again, I was paired with Halil b. Siri. However and there is lot of sub-task that we need to finish it off including collecting a few journals and come out with our own report. Referring to the previous assignment that we have chosen, my partner and I have decided to narrow our topic on "The Future of Open Source Software (OSS)" especially in education field. As the necessary requirement, firstly we have to find 2 journals from UKM library, one from Google scholar and one journal from Google book. But, we faced a difficulty to access on the UKM library because we don't have yet the password and ID needed for log it in. Then, we must read all the journal before we can come out with our own report on it.

     After a briefly introduction on Open Source Software (OSS) in the first assignment, we focus on The Future of OSS. As teacher-to-be, personally I'm thinking that the usage brings a lot of goods and it's really helpful to ensure all the learning process run smoothly. Using OSS, the educator and the students be able to gain a loads of information and knowledge. For example,they can download more than 2800 educational registered sites and over a million courses on also emphasizes on student’s active participation in learning process through online forums and other interactive centers all over the world. Besides Moodle, there are another open software which support LMS such as SAKAI, OLAT and Atutor.

      Another great aspect about OSS is you do not need to pay for each software used because it is a free downloading. It also encourage students to try more innovation in learning such as creating blogs and other interactive web application. Thus, the effectiveness of communication can be enhancing among the peer either in or outside classroom. The only thing that we need to consider is about the security level against the viruses.

      Last but not least, I gain a plethora of knowledge about the Open Source Software and how it play a vital role in our education system. In a nutshell, this is the first time i have used Open Office to write the report. It is quite same with Microsoft System. Thus, there's no much problem to do it.

“Feel free to read and share”

Muhammad Haziq Fahmi
Muhammad Haziq Fahmi b. Iberahim
Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Sarawak
Faculty of Education
H/P                                : 016-8723507
Yahoo! mail account     :
Gmail account               : haziq
Facebook                      :
Blog                              : http: //

Wednesday 20 July 2011


Assalammualaikum W.B.T...

Third week, the restless week had been fulfilled by doing on review and analysis of Course/Learning Management System. For that task, I have worked with my colleague, Halil b.Siri. Frankly, I don’t even know about the Learning Management System and its functions on our field (education).Next, the complete written review must be uploaded into the google.doc in forms of doc, pdf and PowerPoint presentation.  Later then, we need to download the document back and share it with our course mates, lecturer and coordinator through yahoo! Mail.

From my personal thought, it is a bit tough to understand the concept of this LMS. First, we have to clear with the term itself. . After that, the review should include the disadvantages and advantages of using it. Additionally, the list of Open Source Software (OSS) must be in the review to make us more aware about the relationship between LMS and OSS. Making a research on this topic is enough to make me having dazzling. However, there is no victory without putting your effort on it. After made some reading and collecting all the information needed, my partner and I had written the review based on our fully understanding and basic knowledge about ICT in Education as shown below:

Learning Management System (LMS)

A Learning Management System (LMS) is software tools designed for delivering, tracking and managing online training and education. The concept for this type of software is web-based and it is created to facilitate the user “anytime, any place, any pace” access to learning input or content. For another instance, it is commercially developed and restricts access to their source code, free and open source models also do exist. In addition, this  virtual learning emphasizes on  student self-service, self-registration, instructor-led training, skill groups management, user notifications and deadlines, manager hierarchies, wait-list management, and of course actual serving if the training material. In order to make it more effective, it is equipped by  automated testing facility to records answers, grades tests, and keeps all data for future reference.

The LMS concerns and focuses more on managing learners to ensure their progress and performances across all types of training activities by keeping all the track and record. Nowadays, it has been used widely by universities and colleges around the world which allow the instructors to conduct their courses and exchange theirs information with the student through the virtual learning. Next, LMS has been functioning to protect private training resources, such as procedure and policy manuals and other sensitive files. Other than that, an improvised LMS system provides interactivity and multimedia tools. So, learning will be more effective and interesting. As an LMS allows users to easily design and deploy customized training modules, it can leverage the knowledge of a few key individuals and distribute it to a large number of employees, customers, or even business partners. 

Apart from that, LMS offers a wide-range access because it is web –based system which you can access it at any location and anytime. Regarding to this point, LMS is a flexible system for costuming and managing training records because it use web-platform. It distributes courses over the Internet and offering features for online authoring. Ever improving technology, this system has been used by the teacher and in business field too where the teacher can keep managing their students’ record and performance. In lesson also, it helps educators creating effective online learning communities and create online courses with opportunities for rich interaction.  On the other side, employers can efficiently and effectively deliver and manage learning experiences for their employees. These experiences should be easily accessible and easily tracked.

This web-based training software platform indeed delivering intuitive, powerful e-learning and business training in enhancing the effectiveness of multimedia environment using Web 2.0 technologies like AJAX & Rich Internet Applications. Moreover, it loads with useful features like Flash video, multimedia files, Rich Internet Applications due to the usage of VBScript, JavaScript, and SQL in this system. For example, MySQL is a robust and popular database commonly used by ICT community. By using this database, it is not so difficult to build LMS though it does not have the industrial strength. Furthermore, the LMS also available for open source software. However none of the applications in OSS have all the robust functionalities of LMS. It just has a few which may be close to fulfill the needs. One of the OSS applications for LMS is Moodle. It was developed by Australian native, Martin Dougiamas. It is 100% suite with e-learning or online classes as well as face-to-face interaction. The feature also including multi-language interface and advanced reporting features. For further information, you can go the Moodle website at http//

Next, we move to the advantages of LMS. As we concerned, LMS is used to ensure consistency. For this point, LMS is the best side to centralise learning environment. Consistency can be achieved since it each user sees the exact same material with the exact same manner and can be evaluated through common pre-testing and/or post testing methods. Secondly, the LMS assists effectively in tracking and reporting for enhanced program. For example, employers can offer their courses through various media including web-based training, instructor-led training or webinars. The LMS also brings the great impact by producing immediate capabilities evaluation. In this situation, the instructor or the employer can review and evaluate the record of the results for their learners/employees periodically to determine success levels and actual time taken to complete each course and its components. Last but not least, it will provide a central point for organizations to keep up-to-date theirs product description, specifications, requirements, forms, and to allow easy uploading of new product or service information. Thus, the continuous Product and Service Proficiency for Employees who interact with Customers and Clients plays a crucial role to access the same training courses and the same evaluation materials as the employer have.

Due to the development of technology, we can deny that LMS also has theirs weaknesses and disadvantages. One of its drawbacks is pertains to the quality of learning in an e-learning environment which is no guarantee for high security risk in the system.  Secondly, the start-up costs for LMS including hardware, software, staffing and training, can be very expensive and costly as for the administrators especially. Aside from this, majority of the user also believed that Learning Management System is prone to viruses and hacking by the expert hackers. Thus, all the data in LMS can be easily stolen by the third party (hacker). The other glaring disadvantage of LMS is the interface which is the initial reactions to the interface is confusion for many learners. This is due to the difficulties facing by the new learner in figuring out how the interface works and where to get the information she/he needs. This confusion is based on two flaws in the LMS which are simpler tools, with the intent of performing one task seem to be easier for end users to understand and LMS’ are designed as a learning management tool, not as a learning environment tool.

 Thus, I reckon this system is simple but efficient, compatible, low tech browser interface and yet it is easy to install. Essentially, most LMS platforms are attempting to shape the future of learning to fit into the structure of their systems, even though most learning today is informal and connectionist in nature.

As a teacher-to-be, it is compulsory to suite ourselves with this method. The concrete reason is LMS have brought a fruitful benefit to the education especially. It had fulfilled the education’s needs and has been implemented in the Western Education System. Thus, we have to level the bar with them in ensuring that we are not left behind from the aspect of methodology. I’m quite impress with the LMS because it will make your education process more organize and flexible. Before that, the educator or employer must master the skill, acquired knowledge and know types of software used for this efficient system. By implementing the LMS, the people should have no worry about the learning process where never you have been either at school, home or workplace. The key factor here is learning process or gaining a bountiful knowledge nowadays is portable and easily access.    

“Feel free to read and share”

Muhammad Haziq Fahmi
Muhammad Haziq Fahmi b. Iberahim
Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Sarawak
Faculty of Education
H/P                                 : 016-8723507
Yahoo! mail account     :
Gmail account               : haziq
Facebook                      :
Blog                                : http: //

Saturday 16 July 2011

Assignment 1(Think,Pair,Share)-Reflection Week 2

       Assalammualaikum W.B.T...

       This is a tiring week for me and burdening with a lot of task and assignment. But, I learnt a lot and gained a fruitful knowledge for the task assigned. For this week, we are assigned with THINK,PAIR,SHARE which are requires to work in group of two. Firstly, we need to choose one topic based on the list given by our coordinator. Thus, my partner(Halil b. Siri) and I chose to work on Open Source Software(OSS) topic. Comparing with another topics, this topic is quite hard in collecting and finding information about it. For the ages before, I'm just familiar with Application Software and System Software because both are the basic software that we must install in our computer. For another difficult part is enduring the server-down problem. We depend  on the online material because we could be able to find many information in the book. I was very lucky working with someone who experienced  in this field before. 

        From the surface of my reading, Open Source Software is free downloaded software. It can run well in any operating system (OS). However,  the security and safety offered by OSS is not so effective to against any viruses. The words below is our final touch and conclusion about the Open Source Software:

       Fee or free? Corporation controlled or user controlled? Both questions are portraying the future of open source-software. Based on the research that we have conducted, we can define that the Open source software is a kind of software which can be used freely or without any charge. In other words, Open Source Software (OSS) is software that must be distributed under a license that guarantees the right to read, redistribute, modify, and use the software freely. But don’t get it wrong because when we speak of about “free software”, the ICT user will refer it as the freedom for them to read, redistribute, modify, and use the source code rather than the lack of cost. In addition, we also can even download free open source programs for application such as word processing and database management.

     Nowadays, Education system practically more focuses on the application of technology. Thus, the huge number of application software, system software and open source software are created to fulfil the needs. Regarding to demand, many there are groups who have been established due to developing and promoting OSS as a viable technology for educational uses. As an essential part of teaching and studying in era, schools can free themselves from paying licensing course and put (often scarce) resources to other uses if they use OSS. The most commercial one is Linux and tools that work on its platforms. What makes Linux (UNIX before Linus Torvald wrote about the Linux operating system) so attractive and friendly-user? Two things; it’s powerful and free. Open Source software offers tremendous benefit to the user based on a few projects handled by Red Hat, a stable company behind GNU/Linux. They had developed The Open Source Now Project which providing the educators with an introduction to OSS in education, a discussion list, and links to a wide variety of other OSS in education sites. Under that particular program is Simple End User Linux – Educationwhich preparing the discussion list about the uses of Linux in education system.It also provides a database of case studies and links to current projects like a variety of software for mathematics and art. Those selected programs can save schools from wasting hundreds of dollars in software expenditure per computer, and run on all common school platforms (Windows, Macintosh, and Linux):

Function                      ​                                     Name                          ​      Download site
Office suite                         ​                               ​
Desktop publishing                    ​                   Scribus                       ​
Concept mapping tool                          ​          Cmap                          ​
Image editing                       ​                              GIMP                          ​
Advanced Logo programming language     NetLogo         
Astronomy modeling tool                           Celestia             
Web browser                       ​                             Firefox                       ​ 
Online courseware system                           Moodle                        ​

Although the use of open software is growing rapidly, a legal cloud is still on the horizon. For example, Linux might be powerful and less cost or no cost at all but it still depends on the other developer (The Red Hat) to support especially when the user of OSS need technical support whereas they need to find a website such as or someone who knows better about Linux. The beauty of this OSS is giving educators and students flexibility and intellectual freedom often absent from software. Thus, in class, the use of Open Source software can assist the student know more about the widely computer science community and to the practice of peer- review.


        I can conclude that the task assigned for this week gave me a lot of input about OSS instead of knowing about Application Software and System Software only. This inspired me to learn more about computer and its functions especially for education field. 

“Feel free to read and share”

Muhammad Haziq Fahmi
Muhammad Haziq Fahmi b. Iberahim
Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Sarawak
Faculty of Education
H/P                                  : 016-8723507
Yahoo! mail account     :
Gmail account               : haziq
Facebook                      :
Blog                                : http: //

Saturday 9 July 2011

Reflection of Week 1

Assalammualaikum w.b.t…..

After a good start for this subject, I have gained a splendid of useful information that could be used either in class or daily life. Several tasks are given for the first week of lecture which are:

1. Register Official Email
2. Register Official Facebook account and Facebook Group
3. Join Yahoo Group (
4. Create Yahoo Group
5. Sign up a blog
Creating an account for Yahoo! mail, Gmail, Facebook and blog might be familiar for some of us. However, based on the first week of lesson with my lecture, i have exactly learnt that there are some differences between informal and the formal account for each. For example, for formal Yahoo! and Gmail account, they have a signature and together with our name, address and official URL for Facebook account and blog. The complete example as shown below:

Muhammad Haziq Fahmi
Muhammad Haziq Fahmi b. Iberahim
Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Sarawak
Faculty of Education
H/P                                   : 016-8723507
Yahoo! mail account        :
Gmail account                  : haziq
Facebook                         :
Blog                                  : http ://

            Firstly, we are required to create an account for Yahoo! mail and followed by creating an account for yahoo Group using the registered Yahoo! account before. Then, we were asked to write the steps in sending attachment to Yahoo! groups. Be frankly, i have never join or create Yahoo! group. Thus for this subject, our official Yahoo! group is ( This group has been functioning as the paramount platform for students and lectures to share their information, notes and task regarding to this subject. So, wherever information written or attached by any members in the group, others will be able to view it.The compulsory thing that you need to have is an account for Yahoo! and Gmail. I'm Yahoo! user thus there is not so much problems that i have faced. Creating an account for both is as simple as ABC. You just need to fill up any detail required at, by clicking on "sign up" button. For Gmail, go to, click "Gmail" which is above the search engine, and fill in the form.

            Next, using both accounts, we were asked to create a formal facebook account and group though I have mine before. The different between the required one and the previous one is the URL. In the URL, it must have the owner's name. For example is Then, the user will be sending their invitation to their colleagues and also the lectures in charged. This is something new for me because it looks more on academicals. 

Last but not least, I have created my own blog as the task given and I have used my Gmail account for it. The blog are used to write the reflection based on the lesson for that particular week. This is interesting because any reflection written in that blog will be remembered us to the topic contain in the syllabus. 
As the conclusion, there are a lot of things that I have learnt for this week. Regarding to this hands on, I have knew the way to put a signature at the bottom of our email and the exploration about the software and hardware made me feel enthusiastic in learning about the importance of Computer in Education.

“Feel free to read and share”

Muhammad Haziq Fahmi
Muhammad Haziq Fahmi b. Iberahim
Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Sarawak
Faculty of Education
H/P                                  : 016-8723507
Yahoo! mail account     :
Gmail account               : haziq
Facebook                      :
Blog                                : http: //